Full Sail Partners Blog
Evaluating Your Business Growth Plan With Metrics: An Introduction
You may find it helpful to know that there is no ”right” way to go about evaluating your business growth plan (or knowing that might actually make you even more anxious!). There are however, several reliable tips for getting the most out of the effort.
Tip # 1. Choose the right metrics
Using metrics to evaluate your business growth plan is a powerful strategy that can bring you greater focus. The key is knowing which key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure — and to do so, you need to really understand your business and what your version of success looks like. Start by considering such basic questions as:
- What are the three or four market forces or trends that will have the largest impact on your organization in over the coming year?
- What are your specific revenue objectives for the year, and for each quarter?
- What are the “soft” (that is, non-financial) criteria for success over the coming year?
Your answers to such questions will provide insights into what matters the most to your business. They’re also a springboard for choosing the metrics that will be most effective at measuring success.
Small wonder that the use of metrics differs from firm to firm. For example, Full Sail Partners recently conducted a survey of client organizations and asked about which specific metrics they considered to be reliable growth indicators. Almost 9 in 10 (88%) identified revenue, while slightly less (70%) identified profit margin; a much smaller portion pointed to headcount or retention as indicators of growth.
Tip # 2. Establish yearly and quarterly goals, and measure accordingly.
Create a business growth plan with goals not only for the company, but for each department as well. Ideally, you should measure every component of your business in terms of its performance against goals — your marketing staff, your project managers and teams, support and operations, sales, finance, and so on.
Tip # 3. Keep your data fresh and reliable.
To be most effective, you need data in as close to real-time as possible. QuickBooks, Excel and other office applications can help in collecting and analyzing current data. Even more effective is a purpose built ERP, like Deltek Vision, that allows front and back office functions to share and collaborate on relevant data. Whatever tools you use to gather your metrics, be sure to automate the process as much as possible — that way, you and your people won’t spend all your time on number-gathering.
Tip # 4. Get people involved and interested.
In our survey, we also asked firms which functional areas within their organizations took part in the development of KPIs to measure. More than half (58%) said that their finance and operations functions contributed to the establishment of KPIs, while another 17% said that HR also played a role. Don't forget to include marketing so they have visibility on how they can impact KPIs. It’s also a good policy to share metrics and results as you receive them — not only with management, but with all employees. Doing so helps to maintain transparency and leads to a culture where everyone is on the same page and motivated toward unified goals.
Tip # 5. Keep tweaking.
For best results, you should plan on reevaluating and adjusting your metrics as your business priorities change. Every month, quarter, and fiscal year offers a new chance to refine your metrics and your business growth plan in order to drive growth.
The power of metrics is within your reach!
When you invest time and thought into establishing, measuring, sharing, and refining your metrics, incredible things can happen. You’ll be pleased at how much more in sync you are with the state of your business, and how much more confident you’ll feel in making the critical decisions that can help you take your business to the next level.
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